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The 6.5 Creedmoor

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Ballistics and effective range can be a tricky subject to get into, especially when you’re working with a caliber that isn’t as common as some. Luckily Faxon has covered and provided this nifty ballistic breakdown. Let’s dive into the effective

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M16A1 Upper Receiver Update & Some N23 Handguards Inbound

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So SHOT show has come and gone, and we still don’t have any more of those elusive M16A1 uppers in stock for your retro clone build…yet. Now, I know you are all feeling like you did freshman year when you

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The BAMF and the damn good time they bring

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If I say, “Louisville, KY”, most of you all will have some sort of image that manifests into your brain. Maybe it’s thoroughbreds breaking through the starting gate at Churchill Downs, cheered on by sweaty drunken infield mobs of bud

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Red Dawn: "John has a long mustache" and "the chair is against the wall" from Radio Free America

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The chair is against the wall… The chair is against the door… John has a long mustache… Wound my heart with monotonous languor… These are phrases taken from scenes in a couple of movies, one actually a sort of homage

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FFL Dealer

We are a FFL dealer who specializes in custom Cerakote work

What our customers are saying…

...Jon is a wizard when it comes to cerakoting firearms. I had him do a 'battle worn' design on my glock 43 and it came out perfect! Would highly recommend skipping the wait of the "bigger" guys and going with Bad Moon for all of your Cerakote needs!

Eric S Lexington, KY

Custom Cerakote

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